21 Jan 2013

Path of Happiness

Path of happiness ...you have to make it not to find it.
You have to live it not to think of it.
You have to reside it in your heart ...not to search for it in others' hearts!
You have to realize  that it is always near to you...not far as other minds say.
Don't wait long to get into it...then,you waste time getting nothing.
Start everyday to draw a smile on your face and say "I'm happy!".
Believe that your life will be so!

10 Jan 2013

2012 In The Memory

     Time is running out, we change and everything shifts but life goes on.

     I didn't say "Goodbye" to 2012 year, but I said I would miss you. I saw them celebrating the new year but I stopped to think of you...

     Yea...exactly this is the truth! I faced many obstacles but I got experienced a lot. I had bad days but I enjoyed good ones. I got fake friends but I discovered the real ones. I found many terrible situations but during them there were some interesting unforgettable moments. I lived my dreams as more motivated as I did. I missed some precious persons...some of them are buried now.

     I would welcome this new year. I am more experienced, more wise but not happier! I would not cry but something still sad in my heart.

    2012 Year was special for me. I would remember everyone , everything, and every moment !